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God's not finished with you yet
Why Are DeAnn's Paintings Special? I know you desire the perfect piece of art in your home – one that speaks your personal story! I believe you deserve artwork that will transform your space into a home, turn grief into hope, and leave a heartfelt impact on all who encounter it.
1. Look around my online shop. You’ll find my collections of Angels, Florals, Butterflies, Churches and more! Enjoy the process of experiencing each collection.
2. Choose the pefect piece for you. As you look around the site, ask yourself ‘What emotion does this evoke in me? What memory does this help me cherish even more?
3. Your new artwork will be shipped right to you! It will be ready to hang and bring new light to your space! Pairing my artwork with your memories will create a space that becomes unique, full of reverence, and memorable for all. I can’t wait to see how a piece transforms your space.
Meet The Artist
DeAnn Hebert
Hey Friend! So glad you stopped by. I am an artist, a wife, a mama, and a believer! I love what I do for a living. Some people say my work has a quality reminiscent of peeling bark or chippy barn paint. I couldn't agree more, I think there's beauty in all of those layers. Perhaps it's a reminder that we all share in many layers of life together. Thanks for being here! xoxo DeAnn